I remember the LO7 Kenwood turntable. It costs like 2500, while the 850 Kenwood turntable costs like 595. Kenwood also did a 750 and 650 turntable. The 750 costs 525, while the 650 costs 450. I must tell you, the LO7 was an amazing turntable. It was a marble turntable. The Platter was so great on this Turntable. This turntable was really built. I have never seen anyone selling a LO7 turntable. But you will see people selling the 850, 750 and 650 turntable. The 850 and 750 were marble turntable to. I'm not sure about the 650, if that was a marble turntable. But the 850 was a scaled down version of the LO7. 2 other great turntables from that time, were the Technics SP 10 MK2 and the Thorens TD 126 Thanksg get back