Wrong setup?

Hi I love great sound, especially when hearing to classical piano music, but i don't know much about high-end audio components... In order to build a good setup, i bought quite good single components (based on internet reviews for the most part) but i didn't check what would be the final result once put together... I just assumed (and hoped) that good components together would just produce a good result... but the truth is that i am a little bit disappointed with the end result. I find that the sound has no (or little) depth + i hear a sizzling noise in the tweeters on high piano notes... So now i think that i should probably have put more attention on the "compatibility" of the different components. And i am looking for advices :) I'm thinking that maybe i should change my speakers... but need some specialists opinion. Here is my setup:
Marantz Integrated Amplifier PM-11S1
Marantz Super Audio Cd Player SA-15S1
Speakers Totem Hawk
Any advice or opinion is welcome. Thanks! Julien

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