Acoustics include psycho-acoustics and is not what is usually discussed in audio thread : room panels...And audio journey include also musical knowledge ...
Myself i lamented about how people experiment so little with the ground root of their hobby , not engineering, sorry but acoustics. not branded name of tubes or digital gear but the link between gear-speakers/room/brain-ears...
Most Engineers in all fields as the average men buy a piece of gear and called this audio if they had bought the best reviewed product; they are only divided between the value of measures versus how they feel after listening ... This is what people called audio journey .... Not me and some others more enlightened one ...
Acoustics experiments is the core not only of audio experience but of the musical and sound understanding.
Unfortunately this is not a group about engineering or physics most people here seem to be interested in the hobby more than the engineering principles. Sad people who love listening to music so much have such low regard for the foundation of their hobby.