Wrapping power cords and interconnects with copper foil.

Ok..not sure other people have done what I tried recently but I’ve found a night and day difference in sound quality after I wrapped my tube power amp power cord (rogue Zeus) and my cheap audio quest interconnect cables with copper foil. I even wrapped by phono cable coming out of my turntable to phono pre-amp. The detail retrieval and pin drop silence after doing this has made by jaw drop. Cost was $40 worth of foil wrap. What do you audiophiles think? Have I changed the sound signature in a negative way somehow? 


Showing 3 responses by mitch2

Shielded cables have been around for years and do not have to be expensive.  Copper braid and/or foil are pretty standard.  Most/all of them are grounded at both ends.  The Iconoclast paper on shielding and grounding is interesting.

Here are 10 bulk power cords by Furutech.  Nine of them are grounded.  I believe the ungrounded FP-Alpha-3 was intended for power amps.  I have never heard a shielded cable degrade the sound of my system.


”If you DIY your own shielded power cords only connect the shield to the EGC at the male plug end. Leave the other end of the shield, at the IEC connector, floating.”

That is actually how I have always done it. I have never constructed a cable, including interconnects, where the shield acted as the ground, although I have seen it done with some manufactured interconnects when configured as balanced cables.  My practice has been to always use a separate ground wire (same size as the connector wires) attached at both ends but to attach the shield only at the source end.  That has worked well for me.

@jea48 - Are you assuming the shield is acting as the ground?  In my power cords, I always use a ground wire that is "at least" as large as the neutral/load wires, regardless of whether or not there is also a shield.  However, I have seen many balanced interconnect cables where the shield is used as the ground connection.