Wow moments while listening to vinyl records

Howdy A'goners ....

I got back into listening to vinyl records a couple of years ago. Although I have more CDs or FLAC files than my vinyl records collection at the moment, these days I listen to vinyl albums a lot more than I listen to the CDs or music files.

I am creating a database of songs or even whole albums that give me goosebumps.... that make me say wow this sounds amazing! And I keep repeating to listen to that song again and again. You know what I am talking about. Let me share a couple of songs to start the thread - 
1) Cris Williamson - waterfall
2) Mickey Newbury - an american trilogy

I want to hear from you about your experience. Please share what songs / albums give you the same feeling. It would be great if you describe what particular aspect of the sound or music makes you feel that way. I am not a musician or even a trained listener. I am not an audiophile. So this is going to be my learning experience about various terms like transient, sound stage, cohesive/organic sound etc. only if you share your experience with me. It will also help me to get some of those albums to add to my collection.  

Currently I have two tables - a Denon DP-65F with an Ortofon 2M Black cart, and a Project RPM 9.1 table. I am in the process of choosing a cart for the Project table. I requested feedback on specific carts in another thread.

Please share your experience of songs / albums that create audio nirvana for you :)


Showing 6 responses by roberjerman

Here's an outstanding LP for 3-D sound staging: Weather Report "I Sing The Body Electric". Song: " The Unknown Soldier"!!!  Also by Weather Report "Suite Nighter". Song: " Boogie Woogie Waltz"!!! These two LP's have been long-time favorites of mine!
Every collection needs Pink Floyd's "The Wall". As good as the US Columbia pressing is, the British EMI is even better! And I am referring only to the original all-analog pressings - not to current digital remasters!
Check out the Moody Blues "In Search Of The Lost Chord" . Song: "Legend Of A Mind"! Timothy Leary's dead. No he's not! He's outside looking in!
Always seek out original all-analog pressings - even if a bit worn! They have that LP "magic" that I feel is lacking in digital remasters!

Jimi Hendrix Experience: Electric Ladyland - the British Track pressing is worth acquiring! Song: "1983...Moon Turn The Tides"