Wow I listened to my old AR ES1 last night

I've made many system upgrades and it's been awhile since I listed to my TT. I was blown away by how good it sounded, so I was thinking of how good I could get my analog setup sounding without spending a ton of money. What would be a big improvement to the AR ES1 for around $2500 used?
My phono stage is an EAR, Pre amp SF Line3SE, ML 332 amp, Hales T8 speakers.
Thanks in Advance

Showing 1 response by sknnyc

Well, it depends on what you mean by improvement. A Well Tempered Classic can be had (used) for around $700 and it will put to shame just about anything short of the big buck turntables. If you want a serious improvement, you'd have to consider a VPI Aries or a Basis 2001... I'd just as well spend the difference on buying records. I have a WTT and a VPI TNT 2.5. Yes the TNT is better but I can listen to the WTT without fell like I'm missing out.