Would your familiarity with the music played effect your test performance?

I've never seen it mentioned in these types of discussions but personally, being in a double blind test using music I am either unfamiliar with or don't like (or both) would negatively effect my sound quality judgments unless the differences were extremely obvious.

If the test music was an album I've been hearing since the 60s or 70s including the remasters, re-releases etc such as Abbey Road, the 1st 4 Led Zeppelin albums, Miles' Kind Of Blue, etc I could detect far more nuances etc and get a better feel for the qualities of the tested items.

Anyone else of the same opinion?

Showing 1 response by hoosierinohio

I view listening music for testing as similar to going on a trip with a map.  You know what's there in the music.  How high the high gets, how low the low goes and musical and 3-D it "can" be, when listened to on a really nice system.  If something becomes overpowering or isn't there.  Or, if the music sounds constricted, sharp etc..