Would you recommend Merlin speakers for HT?

Please give me your inputs. Thanks

Showing 1 response by robertr

Hi, I have a Lexicon MC8 and the Merlin VSM's plus Bobby's center channel Merlin (VSM without the sand in the base) The center channel is very attractive even in the basic black. It does a great job. Prior, I had a Paradigm cc300. The Paradign was nice, but the Merlin does seem to blend in better with the mains.
I have a large room about 30 long by 20 wide and a celing of 15 feet. The amp is a Parasound 5 channel (200W?). The nice thing is that the Merlins can be pushed to higher volume levels without sounding strained. I do feel that if you want the chest pounding thuds, a sub is required. I have a Paradigm 15" powered and am relatively pleased. As any speaker, positioning is very important. I have considered a REl Stadium based only on reading and a discussion with Bobby. But finances and the desire to stay married have kept me from any purchases (at least for now - I'm sure I can eventually sweet talk...).
Position of the Merlins is very important. I find moderate differences simply bringing them away from my walls a little. Ideally, I believe they need about 18", but for me, I'm doing good to do 12"

I used to have Martin Logan SL3's which gave a very open soundstage but not much in the air moving dynamics. I enjoy music and find the 2 way to be just as enjoyable with this set up.
Good luck.
After a while, it's a lot of personal preference and how much money you have to spend.