Would you pay to audition speakers

A dealer told me that he will let people audition 1 pair of speakers for free. If you want to hear multiply speakers
he charges 500.00. If you buy a pair of speakers he will credit you back the 500.00. He says he does this so people don't waste his time. He says If someone is serious about purchasing speakers they won't have a problem with the 500.00 deposit. I'm Interested in knowing how the Audiogon community feels about this.

Showing 2 responses by cyclonicman

He sounds like he should be in the transmission repair industry. What happens if you agree and then discover that you don't like any of the speakers? Does he get to keep your money? I wouldn't be wasting my time with a dealer having that type of sales attitude and I would without question let everyone I knmow to avoid this establishment like the plague.
How can any dealer assume that because he didn't make a sale that someone is running to the internet to buy it online? I am sure it happens, but how does the dealer know that maybe that person decided to go to another dealer that was more pleasant and had a better attitude! There is no other industry where prospective buyers are treated this way! Most of the gear on Audiogon is used, so I don't see how Arbuckle's post appplies in this instance. If I was in that situation, I would write a letter to the equipment maker and let them know that I was very interested in their gear, but the dealer I went to wanted $500 from me to audition it. I wonder how that wouild go over! I have read a few posts where people want to establish a relation with a dealer and you can't get that from the internet. Who would want a relationship with a jerk like this? Many people just want to purchase something and a working relationship with a dealer is not part of their plan. It doesn't matter whether the $500 would be applied to the purchase, that is just bad business, and a lot of BS.