Would you buy used headphones?

So, I'm considering buying some used headphones (Grado) but I'm hesitant due to hygiene concerns. Am I being overly fussy? Would you buy used headphones? If so, do you clean them and if you do how do you go about cleaning them?
For Grado I know that I can just buy new pads for the earpieces.

Is there anything I should watch out for in buying used headphones?

I don't have any issues buying other used equipment though, like amps/speakers/pre-amps/etc... I refuse to buy used computer keyboards/mice.

Showing 1 response by lorenzo

Consider demo cans from reputable vendors, like Audio Advisor. Years ago, I bought a demo pair of Sennheiser 600's from them and they were immaculate. Saved a nice piece of change, and had peace of mind with their 30 day return policy. Still have 'em and going strong.