Would vinyl even be invented today?

Records, cartridges and tonearms seem like such an unlikely method to play music--a bit of Rube Goldberg. Would anyone even dream of this today? It's like the typewriter keyboard--the version we have may not be the best, but it stays due to the path dependence effect. If vinyl evolved from some crude wax cylinder to a piece of rock careening off walls of vinyl, hasn't it reached the limits of the approach? Not trying to be critical--just trying to get my head around it.

Showing 4 responses by kijanki

vinyl playback offers some unique musical qualities that are unavailable with the digital formats

You mean noise, pops and clicks?
If I cover 3/4 of my 55" HDTV I will get even less pixels than my old Sony Triniton, but picture is still far, far superior. It is not amounts of dots but quality of the picture/process. HDTV uses the same amount of bandwidth as analog TV but delivers much more data (compression) not to mention accuracy of the colors (NTSC = Never Twice Same Color), no relections/double edges, no snow etc. If you really think that analog TV set with more pixels would perform as well as HDTV then you are in real denial.
That's right Scvan - He invited internet as a great invention, but people twisted his words.... :)