Would treated CD's or OOP's-hold its value later?

Hi all,
Please give me some guidance here. Before I go and purchase a German cutter that shaves the sides of the cd polymer off to better the sound. Or all these green markers that you outline the CD with- Would they decrease or increase the value if ever they were to be sold later on in life. i am talking about CD's that are quoted on todays market at US$50 and above. would you buy these or shun away and get a non treated one if you had the option?

Showing 1 response by synthfreek

Actually circumcision can be reversed...kinda. You guys never seen that episode of Penn & Teller's BS I take it? There's apparently an entire movement of people angry with their parents for making such a decision without their consent so they've figured out a way to get their turtleneck back. It looked rather painful with weights and what-not. I think it was an episode from their second or third season.