Would the Audio Aero Capitole better Theta

Pro Gen Va and Theta Data basic 2 or should I consider upgrading the Theta

Thanks all

Showing 2 responses by redkiwi

A system that sounds "right" with the Theta, will not sound "right" with the Audio Aero, and vice versa. The Audio Aero is way more natural and the Theta sounds hyped up. I sold my Theta and Meridian gear for Audio Aero and Res Audio CD-55 respectively and am extremely glad of it. The Capitole and CD-55 are CD players that you can very easily build a balanced sounding system around.
Hi Brulee. I tend to agree - the Audio Aero will not fit into all systems, maybe only half, and even less when price is taken into account (fortunately mine cost less than half the US price - and please, don't ask me how, for I will not tell).