Would like some opinions on tube rolling

My AudioNote preamp uses two 5687 drivers and two 6x5 rectifiers (I think that's what they're used for...). They are all Phillips. I would like to get a little more bass and mid-bass oomph. The unit is extremely detailed and transparent currently. I'd be willing to sacrifice a little (very little if possible) of that transparency to get the added warmth. Since many here have had good things to say about interactions with Upscale Audio I sent off an inquiry to Kevin, but haven't received any response from him yet. When I do talk with him, I'd like to have a little more background as to the possible alternatives and some input from those who have actual experience with the subject.
Thanks for the input

Showing 1 response by beatlebum

Definately read up on the various types of tubes that may suit your application. The above recommendations of Andy at Vintage Tube Services are right on. He's a great resource of info and a great guy to talk to as well. Be careful what you buy on Ebay as there are alot of tubes for sale that may not be as advertised. From my research I've learned there are a lot of tube counterfeits.

All this being said, I have a blast researching, learning, buting and rolling tubes in my Cary 308T cd player and my Blue Circle 21.1 preamp.

Good luck!