Would changing to a MC solve my problem?

Not getting enough gain with my Hegel V10 phono stage. I have a MM cart at the moment. 

The question is this:

Would a MC cart with .4mV and phono stage with 66db of gain play louder than a MM with an output of 2.4mV and Gain of 46dB?
I'm sure there are calculators out there, but haven't found them yet. 


Showing 4 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @lewm : The OP already has the answers to his questionsand some additional information for he can pull the trigger but instead of doing that he follows posting. Here what I said it:

he has the link calculator that noromance posted and that according those 46db/2.4mv gives: 478mv.

MC gives no more flexibility.

Buy the excellent Goldring 1042 MM that has 6.5mv on output level.

Puts in contact directly with Hegel and Soundsmith and explain it to them. "


Now, exist the possibility that the V10 is not achieving those 46db and exist the posibility too that its cartridge has not that nominal 2.4mv output level but a little lower.


But he said that with his former phono stage Phonomena the gain was no issue at all BUT ( always exist a " but " ) the Phonomena gain kind of desing permits

( either MC/MM cartridges. ) to change the gain between 40db to 66db in 4-5 swith positions/steps gain.This kind of designis a little unusual for aphono stage but even that Phenomena says in its owner instructions:


" Lower gains ( 40db and 46db. ) for MM cartridges or a HOMC with an output level of 2.0mv or higher. The OP cartridge has higher output.


So, it’s useless to continue this MONOLOGUE due that I agree with you:

" I think you aren’t paying attention and/ ......"




@traudio : In the mean time to decide what to do you can test the Goldring 1042 that’s not so expensive and that has higher output level ( 6.5mv ) and is a better performer that what you can think for its low price tag: the 1042 stylus is similar to the one in the over 10K Ortofon MC Diamond or the Verissimo models ( Replicant 100. )


Btw, the gentlemans that try to help you are at " blind " because you do not disclosed your system items yet.


MC gives you not more flexibility. What can help you ( not the MC. ) is to match your system items to your MUSIC/Sound targets and then choose the items that could match it and could match it electrically in between.





@traudio : Ok, then digital is ok so the problem is with analog and that could beaproblem in the V10 or in the H390 running analog.

Why insist I in the overall issue? because those 46dbs of gain ( repeat ) is totally enough for any integrated to achieve over 95dbs on SPL no matters what.

The designer of your  cartridge spec said:

" suggested preamp gain: 38-44db "

and you have 46db. 

With all respect looking for more gain makes no sense at all. Again, something is wrong down there. Maybe the loadimpedance or in the MM stage circuitor something around it.

You can ask directly to Hegel/Soundsmith.

Anyway, your " call ". I'm trying only to help you.

Maybe some one in this forum can help about with out need you buy a new cartridge.If I was you I ask and explain all to Hegel and if for them what you are experienced is ok then buy the MC cartridge.



Dear @traudio : 46db gain is more than enough to could have over 95db SPL if that’s what you need but I think that your gain " trouble " is not about the V10 gain but around two things: first is the very low sensitivity of your Magnepan that needs a lot og current to fly along perhaps a impedance curve that could goes at lower than the nominal manufacturer spec of 4ohms and maybe your integrated unit can’t really handled with aplomb you want it and the other issue could be that you have a room surrounded of attenuators as the floor carpet and the kind of listening couchs and the like. problem is not in the cartridge/V10 but this is only an opinion about and could be wrong.

Sorry not give you a different answer you are looking for.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
