Would an Aesthetix Calypso and A Pass XA 30.5 be compatible?

I would appreciate your help with this question. All I really want to know is whether they would work together in terms of impedance matching. It looks OK based on the recommended amplifier load in the Calypso specifications. Thanks for your help with this. Specifications are below for easy reference.

Best Regards,

Jim Perry 


Line level gain: 23 dB single ended (SE), in/out, and 29 dB balanced/out
Signal to noise: measured at 70 dB minimum, A-weighted (ref 1 mv input, 75 dB gain setting)
Line input impedance: 40 k ohms SE, 80 k ohms balanced
Maximum line input: 3.5 volts SE, 7.0 volts RMS balanced
Output impedance: 1K ohms SE, 600 ohms balanced
Recommended amplifier load: 10K ohms or greater (SE), 20K ohms or greater (Balanced)


Low Frequency Response 1.5 Hz

High Frequency Response 100 KHz

Maximum Output (Volts) 23

Maximum Output (Amps) 18

Input Impedance (Kohms) 30 / 20

Output Noise (uV) 200

Input CMRR (dB) -60

DC Offset (V) 0.05


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Thanks for both of your responses and sorry about my slow reply. I ended up buying an Aesthetix Atlas, which works perfectly with my Calypso.

Thanks to John Rutan at Audio Connection for the great recommendation.

Best Regards,

Jim Perry