Based on my own experience of the improvements I've heard when using this power cord on mid-fi equipment, I recommend the PS Audio XStream Prelude. You can get one on sale at Audio Advisor for about $100. I've used mine on an Oppo DV-980H, Boston Acoustics AVP7 pre/pro, and an Onkyo A-9555 integrated amp, with uniformly noticeable, good results. It practically transformed the Onkyo and made it come alive with better transients, ambience, detail, and soundstage.
I also get good results with the Monarchy Audio AC-1 at $89, but I like the PS Audio just a little better.
I haven't tried this one, but another budget power cord that looks promising is the Shunyata Research Venom at $99.
I also get good results with the Monarchy Audio AC-1 at $89, but I like the PS Audio just a little better.
I haven't tried this one, but another budget power cord that looks promising is the Shunyata Research Venom at $99.