Worth of current system

I just did a tally of the cost of my current components.
I wonder if anybody has done the same and wants to reveal.
My total came to around $18,000
I just totaled up the full retail cost of my system, including the electronics, the speakers, the rack, the cables, the room treatments, the tweaks... Oh my GAWD! 

Mine is pretty hard to do I did a lot of trading over the years my best guess would be $14-15K. Only my speakers I bought at retail.
Demo Kanta No2's-  $6,000
Feel off the truck Nakamichi cd player 4brand new - (1993)$100
Prima Luna used prologue 3 preamp $1050
Prima Luna Dialogue Premium used (mint) year old - $2400
Nordost Blue Heaven  - $420
2 pairs of Sonus Faber concertinos- one pair Used $800 w/ original stands 
One pair  New (1998 ) $1500 from Tweeter with original stands 
Monitor Audio Bronze 2 with stands - $450
Monitor Audio Bronze center $300 
Yamaha CDS- 300player bedroom used $170
NAD integrated 3125- $100 (1993)
Harmon Kardon T920 tuner $80 - pawn shop 
Paradyne Atom V7 demos $240
speaker wires $200 plus 
Yamaha Surround RXV 685- $500
Marginal Energy powered sub off craigslist $100

(70 inch Vizio tv $2000)
 about $16, 400 and change including tv

I don't buy new clothes -  only old equipment 
- Craig 

More than my car .....


Well it's not something I even care about tbh, it's my hobby.

All in with tweaks, cables etc.

$22000 or so.

However in my defense if had to buy same stuff at new retail would be closer to $40,000.

So there is that to justify it.

If one needs justification....
In terms of payment, my total is 120,000$.

If I pull the trigger for top music server this year, then it can reach 150,000.

I do not change major components every year.

Once i am happy with them, I will keep them 3 years or longer.