Worst remote nomination...

I wish to nominate the remote to my Wadia 861xi CDP as the worst of a large number of remotes I have lying around the house. The little buttons are irrationally located, have obscure labels, and need to be pushed just so to get them to work. On top of that, it practically takes a sniper scope to get it pointed so it will operate the player from just ten feet away. What were they thinking?

Sorry, just had to vent.

Anyone else have remotes they love to hate?

Showing 1 response by blw

Classe remotes are ludicrous. I have them for the SSP75 and the CDP-.5. They're all metal, heavy as rocks, and are sufficient to damage wooden furniture with the slightest bump. Even worse, almost all of the buttons are the same size, they are arranged in grids, and they are not backlit. Nor is there any means of distinguishing them in the dark, although a precious few are larger than the others. (The CDP remote is particularly laughable.) Fortunately I have blasted all of it into the Marantz touchscreen remote, which I have been able to program successfully. Now eleven of the twelve are packed away in boxes...

The only one that's left out is the one to my Counterpoint SA-11. Unfortunately, it uses a completely different encoding mechanism, so it CANNOT be learned by modern remotes. It has an effective angle of incidence that is almost pointlessly narrow, and it doesn't have a lot of range. Perhaps I'll have to try Jbrvo's trick.