Worst Music of All-Time

What is the suckiest, pots and pans clanging together, cat in heat, fingernail scratching on the chalkboard noise you have ever heard? To me it has to be all that MTV promoted, yo-yo-yo, B-boy pop music that seems to consume the airwaves, magazines, and television time. And by all means feel free to bash particular artists, I like that too. Example: You could find more musical talent in the restroom of a trailer park chili feed than on a Puff Daddy album. Not too far off, huh?
Cracking one in two is not easy to do, I've done it once with AOL's CD ROMS...
Timwat I didnt mean to offend you or other musicians. I can apreciate the need to have freedom in experimentation. For me I was very disapointed in SOB. About a month ago I found it in my collection, listend to it, hated it again. I promptly pulled it from my CD player cracked it in two and threw it away. When I saw this posting I couldnt help but list it, as I dont recall ever cracking a CD apart before.
timwat, lancel2000, issabre, trturtle.....thanks for joining in. if you guys think of anymore, please share them (or bash them).
Lance12000 - I respectfully disagree with you re: SOB. Listening to it now, in 2000, it admittedly sounds a little dated and cheesy. But you have to remember it in its historical context (this is meaningful to me as a classically trained studio musician who's spent all his money on keyboards and have nothing for audiophile gear). In its time, nothing like this had ever been done before, taking the majesty and spirit of Bach and using these new sounds that were (up til then) only used as "blip & beep" novelties on pop records (Good Vibrations? Here comes the Sun?) It demonstrated something musical could be done with the synth, if approached with discretion with regard to timbre and dynamics. It was voted one of the most influential keyboard records of the last 25 years by Keyboard Magazine, and I heartily concur. Also, Wendy Carlos is one of the 2 most articulate, intelligent artists ever to express their thoughts on art and music (Brian Eno is the other). I have mixed opinions re: Carlos' current foray into equal-tempered music, but SOB was one of those few albums that really effected me in my development as a musician. Of course, all of this is simply MHO, and your mileage may vary.
There was some pretty bad S#!t to come out of the eighties...like Ratt...or Dead or Alive...round round baby right round, like a record baby right right round round...immortal classic.
I would have to say Wendy Carlos - Switched on Bach. YUCK! This was the worst most fake sounding rendition of Bach I have ever heard! I could not belive it ever made its way into production.
Bo Donaldson & the Heywoods - Big "hit" being Billy Don't Be A Hero -- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
As always, you opinion is much appreciated. Thanks Carl. Although the above mentioned artists(?) do take the cake, I'd also have to say that bands like KISS and Aerosmith need to throw in the towel. For good this time. They had their day in the sun but when it's time to go , it's time to go. And that comment on Britney Spears.......she is serious eye candy a one good Rogering may not do her justice. Now repeated nightly Rogerings might do the trick, and I'll bet she can hit those high notes real well......DOWN BOY!!!!!
I couldn't agree more! I mean, I like a lot of modern "rock" and "alterna-gobble", but these "boy groups" have got to go! And I like to look at Britney Spears (she's 18 now, so she needs a jolly good Rogering, from me eevery night...), but gee whiz, I HATE HER MUSIC! Hate Christina Aguelara too. AND I HAAAATTTEEE country music, except for some of Alison Krauss (she's not really "country and western", though). I loved it when Shania Twain and Faith Hill became modern day Madonnas, and helped to kill the 1990's idea of "country music". Maybe "pop" music is cleansed now, but I don't know. And, what the hell is that midget doing with Kid Rock? Just looked weird when I saw 'em on SNL (I don't have MTV...). I like a couple of his songs, but the rest of 'em just seem stupid to me.