Worst Audio Injury !!

Anyone ever get physically injured because of your stereo? I was installing interconnects a couple years back and stood up quickly and hit my head on the corner of one of the shelves.I got a half inch gash on my forehead that seemed to bleed forever.When I switched from digital to vinyl I was used to the easy storage of CD's.I had my LP"s on the floor and one day went to bend down to get a LP out of the crate and tripped and hit my knee on the cornerof the crate.My knee still isnt right.And you?
Worst audio injury was to our dorm's cleaning woman when I was in college (1972.) I had a home made amp that I thought needed a cover to keep prying fingers out, so I bent one up out of aluminum flashing, like an upside down "U" (only temporary, of course.) I didn't round over the sharp edges since they were on the bottom. The poor woman saw it was dusty underneath the amp, and picked it up by the bottom edges! She got cut right through the fingers to the bone. Ouch!
David, good thing I didn't have a 1" drill bit in the damned drill. A2z: lighten up
Hey Zoo,Give you 9.7 for the story telling.7.3 on the pratfall. 10,if I had witnessed it. Style must be observed first hand.(ouch)
I was installing a shelf for my amplifiers, and set my Makita cordless drill on a shelf next to the amps while I hoisted the amp up onto the new installed support. The drill fell off, and landed business end first on my bare foot, driving a Robertson bit right through just above my big toe. The bit was sticking out the bottom of my foot. I hobbled to the bathroom with the drill hanging out of my foot, pulled the drill bit slowly upwards, a which point I lost several pints of blood. I still have the scar to remind me of the mishap.
Mine ocurred trying to wire my home theater through the attic. We have vaulted ceilings, so the attic crawlspace is minimal at best. Anyway, I was bellycrawling across the rafters to reach the far corner of the house when a major case of claustrophobia set in. I started hyperventilating and responded by lifting my head right into the roofing nails. Two feet backwards, lift and puncture. Again. And again. And again. All the time screaming and cussing everything and everybody at the top of my lungs (much to the entertainment of my wife and daughter). When I finally got out of the attic, there was blood streaming all down my face and head, all over my shirt. Hell, I looked like I had gone half-an-hour with Cactus Jack in a Texas Barbwire Death Match. After about an hour, I was able to make five minute ventures back to the attic. It took me almost ten hours to run two rear speaker cables and a phone line. Sounds great, but never, NEVER again.
I accidentally brushed my hand against the test resistor while biasing my tube amp. 420 Volts. Been awake ever since ! Worst audio setup experience was carrying set of boxed vandersteen 3s into the house and up a flight of stairs!
This is my 2nd post;I just remembered,only my wallet was hurt for this.Just got this brand new moving coil cartridge.The NEXT day,I'm wiping a speck off the tip---you got it,it broke. RE tipping was fast ---only 6 weeks---and cheap only 400.And yes maybe a year latter, did it again. My wallet had a heart attack and a stroke.
My worst injury was in a Best Buy store. I was there, minding my own business, then this salesman turned on a pair of Bose speakers! Nearly ruined my hearing.
I'm thankful that this is not the only place to post on this site. I guess I value the info about hi end audio to waste my time reading unrelated subjects. Richard
I tripped while carrying a brand new CD player and did everything I could while falling to keep the CD player from hitting the ground and that meant landing right on my back hard.
Well, now I've read the book--When is the movie comming out? Reminds me of the story of the guy who heard that 75% of all accidents happen in the house---so he wanted to move.Oh, if you are having sex---be careful.Yes ,we've all had things like that happen.I can only imagine how many backs went out moving Krells and the like.I'm just not telling about mine,sorry.