Words From the Wise

Hello fellow Audiophiles and Audio Enthousiast. I've been in the game for a little over 4 months now and I've learned tonnes of stuff along the way thanks to some very knowledgeable people on this website and in my local community (but mostly on this website).

I'll get right to the point.

Whether you are new to the game or a veteran I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the top 5 things you would tell a fellow Audiophile to better his/her enjoyment of this wonderful hobby. Please use point form or short paragraphs
Great responses so far. My advice-

Decide what level of system you want and can afford (lots of soul searching here). Then decide what type of sound you are after (lots of auditioning here). Pick up all of your components and cables to match the level and sound you are after (lots of Audiogon research here). Balance your investments (don't go with the $1000 cables and a $500 amp or $1000 amp and $10 cables). Buy used (exceptions can be made for speakers). Start listening (once the system is assembled). Fell free to try out tweaks, swap components, etc. Most important: buy lots more music and have fun!!!
I - Join Audiogon and use it to research.

II - Set your opening budgets in moderation.

III - Buy a lot of music you really like as this music is ultimately the system fuel.

IV - Pace your-self with care do not become obsessive.I have known many who spend too much and lose interest.

V - Start with simplicity,basic system short runs solid
foundations and choice location.

That may be more than five...
I've been doing this for twenty-five years. Here's what I've determined:

1. Speakers are most important.

2. Then comes source.

3. Amps are amps, they effect sound but NOWHERE near the level of #1 or #2. If a new amp changes sound dramatically, something is wrong with one of the amps.

4. If you're serious about sound, spend most of your money only on speakers, source and then amp [in that order].

5. Line conditioners are snake oil. Power cords are as well. Speaker cables give little bang for the buck, stick with Radio Shack wire.

BONUS ADVICE: Anyone who has spent money on line conditioners, power cords and expensive speaker cables will defend it to the death. Don't waste time talking sense or science to them. Let them be delusional and happy.

EXTRA BONUS ADVICE: If it's a cool gadget, I mean a really cool gadget and you gotta have it forget #4 and have fun.

I'm mostly in agreement w/ you esp. w.r.t to your "BONUS ADVICE"!!

However, I feel that you missed 1 very imp. "component" - the listening room! So, to add to your list:-

0. the listening room is even more important. Good & correct treatment of it will allow you to maximize what you presently have.
Bombaywalla- I think you are right on target; poor accoustics [listening room] can break an otherwise excellent speaker. Match the speaker to the venue for best results.