Wood glue method of record cleaning

Anyone ever try it? Sounds interesting but I'm afraid of any residue left in the groove ripping the stylus off the cantilever.

Showing 2 responses by johnnyb53

I wrap Teflon pipe thread tape around my tonearm to dampen resonances. For my Technics SL12x0 M5G it works very well.

I've used Elmer's glue to try to clean a record but didn't hear a noticeable difference. Neither was it dangerous. If you put on a thick enough layer, the whole sheet of dried glue will pull off without any residue. However, I haven't tried it with Tite-Bond wood glue. One of the demos on YouTube where he plays "Kind of Blue" before and after is pretty impressive.

I may try it again with Tite-Bond, but in the meantime I get excellent results even with chronically noisy thrift shop records by washing them with Ajax dish detergent and microfiber terry towels, and then using a handheld steamer to blast the loosened gunk out of the groove.
Mechans: It definitely doesn't add "considerable weight." Teflon tape is extremely thin and light. I s'pose I could tear off a length similar to what I wrapped and weigh it on my food scale, but I'll bet it's no more than a couple of grams. When I put it on I barely had to re-adjust the downforce and the sonic changes were all related to quelling resonances, not changing the arm/cartridge relationship.

As to ultrasonic cleaning, I first saw that in 1972 when I went to an audio engineer's house. He had a full quadraphonic setup with four EV bookshelf speakers. He had an ultrasonic cleaner for tableware, made to handle large dinner plates, so LPs fit right in. He'd fill it with distilled water and turn it on. When he lowered the record into it you could see the ultrasonic waves dislodging gunk from the record. I have no idea what that would have cost in 1972, esp. when adjusted for inflation, and when I search for ultrasonic cleaners today I never find one in that form factor.