Wondering about adding surround back spkrs.

Hello-I'd like to add a pair of surround back spkrs to my existing home theater and am wondering about tonal compatability. Running M & K K7's all around with a Onkyo Ht-rs106 and Oppo BDP-83. Short of finding another pair of K7's I'm considering a pair of Polk Monitor 30 speakers. I can find a pair extremely cheap on line and would appareciate some feedback as to their sound meshing with the M&K'spkrs(I am not familiar with the "house" sound of Polk). Also, the M&K's are 4ohm and the Polks 8-would this be a concern(and why....)? Thanks!

Showing 1 response by avguygeorge

Not being able to read but having been into surround sound before most knew it existed; that would be mid '80's--- The room size and all the usual criteria apply.If you like what you have--just buy the speakers--i.e. jump in the water. Rear speakers will add so much enjoyment. There are so many pictures of setups as a starter guide. It doesn't have to be perfect right off.
Heck, starting out with lamp cord for those rears will tell you; as in give you a good taste. I'm sure once you are there in the game you'll know where you want to go.