Wonder Why No Japanese Retippers?

We have them in the US, Europe, Australia, and Russia. Wonder why the Japanese ones have no exposure?


Showing 1 response by harpo75

@rauliruegas I got into high end audio back in the early/mid 80’s.  In the early 90’s I was selling Micro Seiki, Saec, Highphonic cartridges as well as various USA and English equipment and speaker brands.  We modified a lot of tube equipment and I know that not only my tech but I knew a couple others that were buying old tube gear and sending it over to Japan and usually just selling it as-is as they wanted it stock.  I don’t remember all the brands, but I know old Marantz tube gear was a big one.  My tech told me he would sell it for 3-4 times what he paid for it here and that the Japanese were buying a lot of old tube gear.  I remember feeling sad that so much vintage gear was leaving the country.