Wolf Audio

House of Stereo just listed a Wolf Audio Alpha 2 for $2,800 which is a steal for the level of performance you are getting. I started out with the Alpha 2 went to the 3 and just got my Red Wolf. You also get their unbelievable customer service so if you would like to get more involved on the digital side you would be hard pressed to do better.
Disclaimer, I am not affiliated with Wolf Audio but I am a very satisfied customer. 

Showing 2 responses by thewolfaudio

Thanks L & G, we certainly appreciate the kind words. You both are at the cutting edge of what we are doing with digital audio, and it's always great to hear how much you are enjoying using your systems.
@LWIN, can you expand a bit on what you hear in the Red Wolf 2 over the Alpha 3? Gapperis123 has just started out with us - he heard several of our systems at AXPONA and got an Alpha 3 SX, but you have been with us from the start - you've spent over a year with the Alpha 2, and then probably almost the same with the Alpha 3...   the Alpha 3 SX gets us much closer to the Red Wolf than before, but what do you say?

- Joe
@arafiq Great talking to you today, and Rod, you as well if you are following this thread. As discussed, the Luna R exceeds the sound quality of the streamers discussed above - we have tested them all pretty thoroughly. With Wolf, you could use it only as a streamer if you prefer, but should the day come that you wish to purchase hires audio, whether PCM or DSD for playback, the ability is right there, built in. As we often say, a Wolf is as simple, or as feature-filled as you want it to be. 
