Wolcott Presence 220M system compatiblity?

I am considering the big change from solid state to tube amplification. I do have some concern as my speakers, Vienna Acoustics Mahlers, require an amp with much control in the bass. I am currently running Bryston 7BST mono's and bass control is obviously not an issue. From the reviews I have read the Wolcott may be my answer. The Mahler is rated at 90db sensitivity with an average impedance of 6 ohms. It does go below 3 ohms in the lower regions. I would like input from others as to the compatibilty of the Wolcott with my speakers. I would also be interested if anyone knows of a more appropriate amp than the Wolcott.

The rest of my system:

Hovland HP100 w/MC
Sonic Frontiers SFT1/SFD2MK11 Digital
VPI HW19IV / Kusma stogi reference/ Grado Statement
Acoustic Zen sliver reference interconnects
Wireworld gold eclipse111 speaker cable
Your correct Mr Porter. I have always reff. to them as papsworth. But your price quote is also wrong. They sell for around $10.000 new , 4500-6000 USED. i SOLD MINE 4 months ago for $6000. And well put your Wolcotts to shame on any speaker u choose to compare with.
Then why would you sell them?

Too bad you disposed of them. I would really like to see them put Wolcott "to shame" on U-1 Soundlabs. Particularly since Papworth has less power, bandwidth and headroom.
well Mr.Porter u should know better then anyone stats mean almost nothing in this hobby. How many amps have u gone thru in your years. I sold mine because I now live in the Philiphines which is 220v. and no longer have the room for a large system.And your right I,m sad I sold them. But I have heard both U have not, enough said ha .

Guess it's good I did not.

Now if you had said: Nanny Nanny Boo Boo, I would have been humiliated and forced to respect you.
Shame on you Mr. Porter for picking on this fella, you could learn a lot about class from a man like that! ..... well may be not ;)