Bvdiman I dont wan't to start or participate in ay kind of argument. I know there are many people who beieve mgicos are untouchable, Jonathin Valin at his Avguide blog practicslly csme to blows with someone whodisagreed with him about the magicos, and I am not going to waste my time in any kind of debate. I rarely post at all so as not get embroiled in arguments. That beinf said, I believe the Magico was being driven by a plinius amp. The klimpts were being deiven by a larger audio research amp, which was on e of their d series solid state amps. The Sonus fabers were beibg driven by a 20 year old levinson. Both the SF and VA speakers wer sensarional, but I thought the bas and the sound stage depth was better on th klmpt. This was one of the best sounding demos I have ever heard, espescially since I was looking for a cheaper pair of speakers but wasmesmerized by the sound of the klimpt. To me the meagicos sounded less like real music, they din;t do anything wrong, but agftger 5 minutes I got bored and went to listen to the klimpt until I had to leave.
I ended up buying the Final sound speakers I recommended. These are my own speaker which I payed,for me, a lot of money, so you should disregard any praise for them, except to trealize tha I spent twice as much for them as the pair here is on sale for, so that must mean I like them. Honestly, I should have saved my money for my kids, but I do feel that I got the best speakers I could ever need or afford. Despite my fear in saying so,(please don't hit me Jonathan Valin) I thought they sounded better than the magicos for what I like , and they fit my room and lifestyle better(my wife accepts their looks). Are they a great speaker? For me they, for anyone else only they can say.