Wilson WP7 vs JM Lab Alto BE vs Avalon Eidolon

I currently own a pair of Vienna mahlers. system is VPI HRX, Dynavector XV 1, pass Xono, VTL 7.5, cj prem 8a monoblocks with transparent ref XL speaker cable.

I am looking for a speaker that will have a tighter bass but maintain extension (Vienna's bass is quite fat and they probably don't have great synergy with my tubes), not as laid back as the Mahlers ( whether that means forward or neutral I am not sure)more transparency and more extenstion in the treble. The mahlers also need a bit of volume to sound exciting.
basically my system sounds warm and laid back. I listen to a lot of pop rock, alternative as well as most other genre's.

looking at my spec's Wilson would probably fit the bill best and I know Wilson's like transparent cables, however I keep hearing that the JM BE tweeter is SOTA.

If anyone has heard all three of both, you thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

I am going to try and listen to the speakers within the next couple of weeks, but big question is what speaker do i take home to listen to.

cheers SR

Showing 1 response by dkarmeli


>>This does not make my alternative and pop music sound quite as forward as they should be<<

If this is your music, you're going after the wrong speakers. To play pop music successfuly you need a very different system, otherwise you'll never be fully satisfied. Take this advice anyway you want but you should consider what pop/electronic music really is and how its played live and how its recorded, some of your components are just wrong for this music. I'm not knocking pop music just pointing out a flaw in your approach, your system will always show up the shortcomings of pop recordings and detract from your listening pleasure. Instead you need a system to enhance the positive side of pop recordings and expand your listening experience.

I recommend a couple of changes in your system; to begin with replace the Xono with a tubed unit like the fine EAR 834, this will bring a lot more life to your system. Next get rid of the MIT wires and then look for some large vintage horns or if you prefer new speakers, look at some of JBL's professional speakers, they're a lot more suited to your type of music than any Wilson, Avalon or JM Labs. I understand that after having set your sights set on top names going for products with less caché might seem like a downgrade but you'll be happier in the long run if you can get over this false perception.