Wilson Watt Puppy 6 or Sophia 2 ?

Can anyone with some extensive ownership or audition experience please give me their feedback on which pair might be better. I have a choice of either for similar amounts. Currently have Revel Studios. I love them, but am looking for better sound in a smaller enclosure. Please let me know your thoughts.
"I am patiently awaiting delivery of a set of Maxx 3's"

I guess there's going to be a lot more Maxx 2's for sale shortly.

What's the MSRP on the Maxx 3's?
I am getting the general consencus from MANY people that the Sophia 2's are indeed superior to the Watt Puppy 6's. Making the decision easier...
But, are they better then the Revel Studio series 1?

>>>"But, are they better then the Revel Studio series 1?"<<<

Now, there's a question with as many answers and OT suggestions as there are people with an opinion, and all equally worthless to your specific system, room and musical tastes.

Similarly priced speaker systems with proven commercial success and performance are far too sensitive to context and subjective preference for any internet poll to be of use as to "which is better?" The question alone makes me wince on your behalf.

Listen to both in familiar confines and the answer will become obvious. If that can't be easily accomplished, then stay happy where you are.

The Sophia 2 is the Wilson speaker for those people who do not like Wilson speakers.
You cold consider it to be 90% of the W/P 8 for about 50% of the price.
The W/P 6 go for maximum detail, the Sophia 2 is smoother, more integrate, present music in a more relex, musical and listenable.