Wilson Wat Puppy 7 or Avalon Opus Ceramique?

Hello, I have the opportunity to buy an used Wilson Audio watt puppy 7 or go for an Avalon Opus Ceramique. Which one to take if you live in a flat ie. have to enjoy music at rather low volume, want very good dynamic and lots of soundstage? And in case of the Wilson, which integrated amp would you take? Cheers and thank you, Mike

Showing 1 response by jfz

And then, of course, there is the Fletcher-Munson curve to consider, if Mike is going to play music at low volumes. Given that, a small, high-quality monitor with a sub (or subs) might be a good choice. I suppose he could get an integrated amp with tone controls instead, but that wouldn't be my first choice.

Mikefi: what does "rather low volume" mean?