wilson vs competitor battle demo

Hi folks, I have red something unbelivable in the latest TAS. During the January CES in Vegas David Wilson from Wilson Audio did a "battle demo" with Sophia speakers and another (anonymous) speakers from a competitor as the contestants. The competitor's speakers were a bit more expensive than the Sophia's. He drove his Sophia's with a $1000 Parasound amplifier and used an Apple iPod as source. The competitor's speakers were driven by a $7k Krell amplifier and the source was a Krell KPS-25 CD-player/preamp. The Wilsons won the battle demo by a margin! How is this possible folks? Should we all buy Wilson speakers and make no more expensive investments into amplifiers and CD/record players? Have Wilson speakers becoming a sort of panachea? This is scary!

Showing 1 response by dodgealum

I'm not going to comment on the demo showdown, although I would agree with some of the posters that system synergy is a very important variable. I have listenend extensively to the Wilson Sophia driven with quality but not outrageously expensive electronics and IMHO (and to respond to Thom y) they are most assuredly NOT detailed, analytical, etc. They are one of the most musically involving speakers I have ever heard. They don't do anything particularly well but rather just sound so right and so involving. Something like my old favorites the Spendor SP100. They didn't do anything well, either. Do not misinterpret--these are somewhat different sounding speakers--but the Wilson's have that same ability to have you forget the hifi and get drawn into the music. A really great speaker that moves the Vandy 5 off the top of my wish list--and by a healthy margin.