Wilson sophia typically found with solid state

Just wondering are the wilson sophia's ever driven with tubes? It seems that most are running on ss. I just heard them at a show room and they are incredilbe transparent and dynamic. How do they sound with tubes?

Showing 2 responses by jdolgin

Many Sophia owners use tubes for power amps. Outstanding combinations, in addition to the previously mentioned VTL are Audio Research and Mcintosh.

You've been around these forums long enough to know that the execution and synergies of components are far from absolutes. The absolute sound of real instrumments may exist, but the absolute answers with regards to tubes or solid state are so system dependent as to preclude the absolute answers you seek. The Merlins you own can sound magnificent in some systems and above average in others. My Sophias can sound steely with some solid state electronics, syrupy sweet with others and synergistically wonderful with others. It's all in the execution, the creativity and personal sensibilities of the owners. I've heard Sophias in a number of systems....with McIntosh, with Audio Research, with Conrad Johnson tubes in another. I've heard Ayre monoblocs in still another. They were all marvelous in their own ways.
IN my own listening room, I've heard Cary, Bel Canto, Audio Research Tube Mono blocs and New Audio Research solid state amps. In each case, the Sophias made real music. My personal choice is the Audio Research 220 Watt tube MonoBlocs. Each of the combinations, had their own synergies.
The Sophias are capable of astounding performance when set up carefully and fed beautiful music. Are the Verity's capable of equally beautiful performance?.......Sure. Each speaker can be made to sing when positioned precisely, and fed premium front end signals..... It's more related to your own skill and vision than the choice of amp A or B.
Sorry for the ramble, but the final search ends up within the heart and soul of each music lover, and not the "perfect choice."