Wilson Sophia 2

I am looking at Wilson Sophia 2's and have never owned a Wilson product. Has anyone regretted getting them in the context of a high end tube preamp / solid state preamp system? If so, please elaborate.
Also, do they sound full at low volumes or do they need some juice to avoid sounding thin?
Btw I am using Bat vk52se pre and Bat vk600se amp, all kubala cabling and esoteric ux3se cd player.
Thanks to everyone, I have to buy without trying them first.
Best Regards,

Showing 1 response by statman

If you have auditioned them and like the sound, then buy them and don't look back as the others have stated! The Wilson Sophia 2 will integrate with your system very well. The key is taking the time and setting them up correctly. I have owned Sophia 1 (still used as rear surround channels in my system), Watt Puppy 7, Watch center. I have since upgraded to the Mezzo center, and Maxx 3's. The sound when done right is addictive. Enjoy your system and the music.