Wilson Sophia 2

I am looking at Wilson Sophia 2's and have never owned a Wilson product. Has anyone regretted getting them in the context of a high end tube preamp / solid state preamp system? If so, please elaborate.
Also, do they sound full at low volumes or do they need some juice to avoid sounding thin?
Btw I am using Bat vk52se pre and Bat vk600se amp, all kubala cabling and esoteric ux3se cd player.
Thanks to everyone, I have to buy without trying them first.
Best Regards,

Showing 1 response by french_fries

Wilson Audio makes some of the most accurate transducers in the industry,
and are "accused" of being overly revealing. Without hearing a Wilson speaker, especially one with a metal-dome tweeter first, would possibly be a very serious mistake. Plus read some reviews that describe moving a wilson
speaker a couple of inches that can totally change the sound from the listening position. this could be either a very good thing or a very bad thing, depending on your room, your wire, just about everything upstream that might need improving or replacing. Of course on the upside, you won't find a speaker that produces a more magical 3D image and specificity of everything in a given recording if conditions are mostly favorable.