Wilson Sophia 2's on Marantz Reference

I am wondering if anyone has had any experience with the Wilson Sophia 2's and Marantz Reference combo. I am looking into getting a pair of the wilsons and setting them up with the Marantz PM-11s2 integrated and the Marantz SA-7s1 SACD player. Cabling will be Tara Labs or Audioquest. Powercords will be Shunyata Anacondas or Tara Labs The One. Any input on this would be greatly appreciated.
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Showing 1 response by goatwuss

I've heard both extensively, and I feel that the Sophia is the better sounding speaker comapared to the WP8.

I have heard the Maxx and the Alexandria as well...

So, I completely disagree about the whole Sophia not being good enough relative to the WP8. They are different sounding speakers. There is a reason why the Sophia has so many excellent reviews and "best of" awards. It's because it's a really, really good sounding speaker. 1000%> better sounding than the 802D IMO, which to me sounds disjointed and tinny on the top.

So Dylan, you are welcome to your opinion, but it is an opinion, and not fact.