Wilson Sasha , Avalon Indra or Magico V3?

Wich speaker will be the best for
Spectral DMC 30ss and 360 mono?
Wilson Sasha, Avalon Indra or Magico V3?
Thanks. Sergio

Showing 1 response by mordante

I have heard both Magico and Wilson audio. Maybe the is the more neutral of the two. But I would prefer the Wilson Audio. I'm still very new to the whole audio thing and I don't like to change parts often. But I have found out that speakers that are very neutral also seem less involving to me.

I have a theory on this, I think that in order to get a neutral and flat frequency response you need a complicated filter to iron out all the small and not so small bumbs. But as a result all the emotion is also lost. Just look at Kharma speakers, the ceramic drivers they use can be a bit hard to control, but Kharma found a way to keep them in line and as a result makes lifeless speakers that are neutral.

I don't say you shouldn’t aim for making speakers neutral but it shouldn’t be the ends all.

Sorry for my rant.