Wilson Sasha , Avalon Indra or Magico V3?

Wich speaker will be the best for
Spectral DMC 30ss and 360 mono?
Wilson Sasha, Avalon Indra or Magico V3?
Thanks. Sergio

Showing 1 response by krellfan2002

One of my friends just bought the Wilson Sasha. He came from an Avalon Eidolon Vision. Even out of the box the Sashas smoked the Avalon in every way except 3D sound. The Avalon has a holgraphic sound that the Sasha also has after being played in.

At this price level it comes down to personal taste but to my opinion the Sasha is the best money can buy at this moment in a normal living room. The bass hump that previous Wilson Puppy's had is gone and it is a very musical speaker.
