Wilson's new speaker the Sasha is coming.

THere is a teaser on their website. Looks beautiful if you can make out the images. I think it is a step up from the WP generation. Maybe a replacement.

Showing 2 responses by rumadian

It's funny how many differing opinions there are in this gig. Some people feel resonance should be completely eliminated, while others feel its best when utilized in a controlled manner. As usual, both parties stick vehemently to their ideals.

That said, I've heard YG products plenty of times and like the stuff. The same can be said for Wilson. On that note: the Sasha looks to be one bad-ass speaker. One day.... one day...
They say that once you go panels, you never go back. I guess I am evidence to the contrary. Magnepan creates some great sounding transducers to be sure, but are they the end all/be all? Hell no. So far, I've yet to find anything that is, and telling people anything different is misleading at best. I'm glad you found your huckleberry with the Maggies Dave. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time with the planars, full range ribbons, and stats' that I've owned.