Wilson better than Thiels?

I have got Thiels. I have listened to Wilson’s Sophia. Can't make decision on up-grade or not! Please tell me your opinons?

Showing 4 responses by luna

Hi Samzx12, I am not sure my room 4 x 6 meters(13.5 x 22fts) is big enough for such a big speaker.
As I also owned Audio Research VT100ii, I would like to try a tube friendly speaker for a change.
Sorry for the late response. I live in the other side of the world!
My equipments are as follow.
Thiels 3.6
CJ Premier 350/AR VT100ii
Herron VTSP2
Meridian G08 CD
All Cables-Cardas golden ref.
I have always been a Thiel person. Owned 2.2, 2.4, and now 3.6.
The system has never been hashed if played in the right volume. It is very balanced but can sounded a little flat and lacks the last bit of emotions. What I am wanting is a bit more openness and a better sense of realism. I have thought about a total change of taste and go for Harbeth but there is no dealer in Sydney. Listened to the Wilson’s a few time and they seems very lively. I thought Thiel’s and Wilson’s are on the cool side and Wilson has better performance.
Well, Thiel’s are good speakers but after 15 years, I just want a change!
Shadorne, I think you are a fan of British sounds.
Are there main different between British and American sounds? ..... I hope I am not creating third world war here!!
I listened to the Proac D28/38 but I did not like it. I had a chance to listen to the HL-5 Long time ago and I can still remember that speaker has sometime special. I hope I can find one used. I don’t think that will be an up-grade but is a change of taste.
The Wilson’s sound is more inline with my existing taste; I will know for sure there is less to be compromised. But the price is ….. :(
Turntable… I got one too. Check my old threads.
Is my Thiels is up to its potentials? I think they are. I am not saying my systems sounded poor, it is just my up-grade buds…
I want to find a speaker that sounds more ‘life-like’ than my Thiels….
In Sydney, it is impossible to find proper listening trials for a lot of brands. There are only a handful of importers who still sells 2-channels. We are really in the out-back of Hi Ends!