Wilson Benesch Speakers (Worth it?)

Dear fellow audiogoners. Does any one have an opinion or experiences with Benesch line of speakers? They're a bit expensive, but do you think they're worth the price? I am always curious to why speakers cost so much in general....especially when open them up and see the guts. Nothing is worse than pondering how can some foam, a little metals, and plastics cost so darn much? The most of the speakers is made up of air anyway. Is it marketing expense allocations or is it really R&D? I am asking because I am in the market for some speakers, but curious to see if they're really worth the money. Thanks in advance for your feedbacks. p.s. I am just a little annoyed by reviewers over using the phrase " at $1M (I am exagerating here), these speakers sounds much better than there competitor at double the price.." Really, how many speakers are there in the $100K+ market anyway?

Showing 1 response by dustych

Well, it's not just R&D costs that you're paying for, it's also materials and workmanship and quality control, but yes, the ultimate driver (if you excuse the pun) for price is what people are willing to pay for it.