Wilson Benesch-Great or just Okay?

On the verge of a buying decision.

Hoping someone with ownership experience

will educate me about the brand.


Much Appreciated!




Showing 4 responses by jperry

Wilson Benesch speakers are stunning. I have heard a number of models multiple times, with a variety of amplification, and have a few friends that own them. They are the speaker I would choose if I upgrade from my ProAc D-40r.

Their cabinets have a very low noise level; a quality that has to be heard to be properly appreciated.

What model(s) are you considering?

I have heard the Curve and its replacement the Vector.

I have heard a few systems with Nagra amplifiers, one with a Starke Class D amp , and one with Luxman SS power. They all sounded very good. I have not heard them with tube amps. 

They do an impressive disappearing act which I think might be related to their low internal noise.

Good luck with your search 


That is an excellent question!

It happens all the time here. Maybe some of those who like to provide their opinions on unheard equipment could weigh in so we could understand.


How and WHY would anyone post an opinion on something they have no experience with?