Wilson-Benesch Analog

Has anyone heard the WB act2 turntable act2 tonearm and carbon 1 cartridge or any other combos. I've read european reviews but nothing in the US

Showing 1 response by superclamp040b

I use the WB ACT two on my Verdier 'La-Platine' for some years now, cartridge is an vd.Hul Grasshopper 3 somewhat modified by Mr. vd Hul. the ACT two is a great combo with the 'hopper, i recently have heard the Colibrie, and yup, i think i found my next cartridge. The Platine is the last table you will need, i know of somebody who prefers it to his Goldmund Ref. enjoy the music. you may visit my rig at www.aca.gr