Wilson-Benesch A.C.T. 0.5 arm azimuth

Wonder if any Wilson-Benesch Circle table (or just 0.5 arm) owners can offer any feedback on this ...

On any cartridge I've tried on this arm, to get the cartridge situated so it sits perpendicular to the record, the outrigger counter-balance arm is anything but 'level' - one side (the left) sits way higher than the other. The instructions seem to indicate the two weights on the counter-balance should sit pretty much evenly under normal circumstances. I've ensured the table is level. The arm moves freely and exhibits nothing untoward as far as the bearing goes.

I know the important thing is to get the cartridge where it should be, and the position of the counter-balance is secondary, but is this what you have found in your experience?

Thanks for any insight into this OCD-motivated question of mine :-)

Showing 1 response by triode

Mine too is canted to one side, after I used the Fozgometer to set proper azimunth - I too am a bit anal about visuals, and this has taken some acclimation on my part. But the sonic improvement is well worth it!