Wilson Audio Sasha 2 & Avalon Indra

Do you think Wilson Audio Sasha 2 & Avalon Indra is the same level’s speaker?

And Wilson Audio Alexia is same level with Avalon Eidolons Diamond?

Showing 1 response by gocubs999

Hmmm.....I have owned both the Wilson Audio W8's and now have the Avalon Indra's. I had both sets here before making a final decision on what would stay. By the way, also had the Vienna Acoustic Music on audition at the same time. The thing is, it really matters not what I kept, (Avalons) because if we have learned anything, it is that each of us interprets what we hear differently as well as confounding the experience listening to speakers in different upstream systems. That said, my experience is similar to those mentioned earlier in this post. The Wilson's were preferred when I listen to Rock/Hard Rock - superior detail retrieval, deep focused bass response..just kicked ASS! The Avalon Indra's ability to throw a wonderful sound stage, separation, micro/macro dynamics excelled when listening to Jazz, Classical, Reggae and R/B. With the Rowland gear I have the Avalons were my clear choice, as my music preference is the latter vs former.
