Wilson Audio Sabrina X Reviewed ! WOW

"If you don't have $329,000 for some Wilson Chronosonic XVX's, you get a Massive Helping of that Performance PACKED into the Sabrina X" !...

Showing 1 response by mozartfan

1,379 posts
06-30-2021 5:35pm
If you can't afford the Wilson Alexx V or XVX's... this is your lucky day !
That's basically a set of ScanSpeak drivers that you can buy from Madisound for about $1K.

Did not think you were allowed to make such posts...?
Considering what  folks have been through and all, this past year, 
DIY might  gain interest. 
Budgets for audio hobby  may have taken 2nd place in  folks priorities. 
(for me its always #1,,,,)