Wilson Audio paint problems

Hi - am I the only person who has experienced problems with Wislon Audio products? I bought a brand new pair of Sofia 2s and after about 12 months they developed cracking around the top and front edge. This has spread laterally at the top if the speaker. I approached the distributor who offered to take them to a Ferrari paint shop! I called Wilson Audio but the guy I was put through to did not return my calls.

I have since purchased a pair of Duettes on Audiogon. These too have developed a light crack down the side along one of the seams. I love Wilson speakers (I have the centre and sub/sub controller too). I have invested a lot of money in the brand but now feel completely unable to get my problems sorted. Looking on the web, there seems to be a lot about WA's commitment to the client. I just feel I can't get access to it!

Does anyone else have a similar experience or advice?

Did you contact Wilson yourself yet? For me that is the big deal. What did they say to you. Not the dealer or a different dealer.
Ozzy, I appreciate your sentiments and concern that I had to wait a couple of months. As I acknowledged in my earlier post, I really am borderline O/C and I wavered back and forth about whether or not I wanted silver or black trim and ports, and was given a pretty quick build date, as I am sure there were already orders in the system for people that did not have their speakers at all. I did have a perfectly great sounding pair of speakers and was in no hurry. Being totally honest, and to show how accommodating Wilson was, they had already started production on my replacement black speakers when I decided I wanted to change to Macadamia Metallic. In all honesty they should have told me tough luck, your black speakers are already under way, but they graciously told me that would be more than happy to build and paint a set of custom speakers and would surely sell the black ones due to their popularity. Since the Wilson Gloss paint system does not come out of a can of Krylon (no offense to Krylon) and makes automotive paint pale in comparison, it does take a while for the speakers to make it through their production and shipping process. They had to ship them to my dealer which is in Tennessee and set up a date and time to deliver and set them up for me in Kentucky. My sales counselor was out of town at CES or CEDIA or somewhere when they received them and one of the employees at HiFi Buys was kind enough to crack one of the crates to tell me how amazing they looked.

As far as swirl marks, nicks, chips, dings, or anything of that nature, I feel absolutely certain that paint just doesn't fly off of speakers, cars, or anything else with no reason. How can anybody expect any kind of finish to hold up if it is bumped into, knocked around, or whatever? When you hit the paint on a car there is some give with the sheet metal (or fiberglass), but with a material as rigid as M or X material there is no give at all and if the paint is struck it is going to chip or sustains some damage. It's inevitable.

I am not on the Wilson payroll, I have no special ties, or allegiance to the brand. I just think that they offer an incredible product, with incredible sound (according to my ears), and they have treated me very well.

I have yet to see a person being led into a store at gunpoint and forced to buy Wilson Audio speakers. if they are like me, chances are they went in with the intent to buy something totally different but after a good old fashioned A/B test they opted for the Wilsons.

Can anybody here on this forum name any brand or product that hasn't had some kind of problem, recall, or issue of some sort at one time or another? It's not about the company making an error or having a defective product, it's how they go about dealing with the problem at hand. I can't speak for everyone, but I can say that Wilson has exceeded my expectations in every way.
I am not aware of any customers that have contacted Wilson Audio and not received a call back. If you have a finish problem with any Wilson Audio product, we will address it. Please feel free to call or e-mail me and I will personally respond to your concern.
Trent Workman
Wilson Audio Specialties
I owned Sophia II and Duettes. The Sophia II's paint was imaculate. The Duettes I had issues with, as the paint on the external crossovers was very poor. The finish was not smooth. When I questioned it Wilsons response was "the crossovers are not finished to the same level as the actual speakers" I found that crazy for what is a very expensive monitor. I ended up up trading them in for a amp/preamp and dont miss them. Great dynamics, but lacking in texture, tone and emotion. I also got sick of hearing all the negative talk about Wilsons.