Wilson Audio in the Near Field? w/ Pass Labs?

I have never owned Wilson speakers which I know stir up some debates around here.

It has been years, but in my experience hearing Watt / Puppies (5's to 7's?) with friends and demos, I always thought they sounded pretty darn good, not fatiguing and in particular, imaged well. Curiously, however, I was not as impressed by an early version of the gigantic Wilsons.

For a new system, I am wondering what Wilsons (preferably used) I might use for a console / desktop in the nearfield, as per my recent system link update.

The Duettes seem obvious as they are smaller and Wilson says suitable for applications where it is against a wall or not well placed in open space?

However, I seem to also recall the the "WATT" half of the WPs were originally studio monitors - the Wilson Audio Tiny Tots?

Therefore, they might also work well? Is it possible to buy a used pair of old WPs and sell the puppies?

Finally, another topic of debate but for lower volumes, I would be delighted if Pass amps operating in Class A might sound good for this application. Because I love the way they look and would enjoy staring at them all day, especially a pair of monoblocks but if not notice that the 30.5 gets good reviews.

Thank you for any thoughts, ideas and / or advice and

Happy New Year,

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