Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

He is just rationalizing. Typical biased opinions. They bad mouth a product and refuse to admit they have never taken the time to listen to it. Not even once as it might change their extreme prejudices against that product. I know a few people that can't admit when you are wrong or being plain stubborn. The funny thing is I used to visit my friend Brooks Berdan's store and could listen to Wilson's anytime I cared to listen. I even "bad mouthed" the Watt Puppy's in front of him once when I owned Martin Logan Odyssey electrostatic speakers. I will admit a lot of it was because I couldn't afford them at that time. After getting divorced fast forward and I listened to them again and was impressed this time. I sold the Martin Logans and used the WP7's for about 7 years. I then moved up to the Maxx 3 speakers. I have been happy ever since.
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Hello, my first impression of Pl 500 !!! great sound and good detail! I just wonder how long the recording period they need?You can also play very high without distruktion naturally and very well Pondus the stage

For me personally it’s the combination of high price and the blinding, paralyzing, cancerous, caustic and ungodly level of hideousness. They truly are monstrosities that should be taken hunting and then "accidentally" shot in the face with bird shot at extremely close range.

They truly are the type of speakers that you have to listen to with your eyes closed, not because you are taken away into another dimension by their sound quality but merely to avoid going blind.

These are the type of speakers that you love with the lights off.

Sure there are many "ugly" speakers out there, but Wilson audio the are champions  with complete dominance over the category.