Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


Showing 2 responses by veroman

i am amazed at how many posters have strong opinions about sound characteristics of driver materials etc. sometimes i wonder if you guys are for real with your amazing ears. dont get me going on those of you who have extreme dislikes and likes for certain metals in your wires and cords. my hat is off i guess. someday someone will set up  the perfect demo room with all the products and all of us experts will have to take blind tests and have our scores published online for all to see.
douglass, whew boy. upset at work or is it at home. first of all i have owned costly stereo gear in the past. meadowlark kestrals 2 , b and w's, etc. to be precise and have heard good audio. secondly i dont use the eq often, only on certain recordings and i do use a sub. my response is great down to 35 as measured with test discs. get off your horse son. i was making an observation that often posters express over the top audio faculties. if my modest set tube amp and full range drivers dont allow me to express my opinions then i guess trumpism has got to you too. obviously you are offended which in a way makes my day. cheers golden ears. fwiw, i grw up in a house with 2 grand pianos, concert harps etc. i have heard more live acoustic music in modest sized rooms than you could imagine so altho we dont all own 50K set ups we do know what music sounds like.